Second Liebster Award || I Fail at Shipping

Liebster Award

I’d like to thank Lyndsey @Lyndsey’s Book Blog for the nomination!

Bluejay Feather


  • Thank the blogger who nominated you and link to their blog.
  • Answer their eleven questions.
  • Write eleven questions of your own.
  • Nominate eleven bloggers and let them know they’ve been tagged.

Lyndsey’s Questions/My Answers

If you could live in any fictional world (doesn’t have to be fantasy, just any book world) which would it be?


I would want to live in the world of Scythe by Neal Shusterman because then I’d have the possibility of living a super long, happy life and have access to the thundercloud, which sounds awesome.

I would not, however, want to be a scythe. Wait, they make the people who don’t want to be scythes into scythes. Maybe this is isn’t the best idea after all . . .

Which fantasy creature would you love to have as a pet?

I would want a spren from The Stormlight Archive. Don’t think they’d appreciate being called pets though. They’d be more like a companion.

If you could control one of the elements (earth, air, water, fire) which would you choose?

I would choose water because it’s everywhere, and I can’t have fire because I would so burn myself by mistake.

Do you prefer tea or coffee? How do you take it?

Tea, I usually put mint in it, but no other sweeteners. I love mint too much for my own good. If I could, I’d probably put it in everything. I also like mint herbal teas a lot. Especially peppermint herbal teas.

Would you rather be too hot or too cold?

I used to say too cold, but I’ve lived in the subtropics for too long now and don’t know how to deal with the cold anymore. Now I have to say too hot.

What’s your favourite colour?


Team Edward or Team Jacob?

During the time when I was into Twilight I would always answer “I don’t know” to this question. I’ve never been all that involved with shipping.

Go to your Goodreads to read list, what’s the fifth book on your list?


Forest of a Thousand Lanterns by Julie C. Dao

Ketchup or mayonnaise?


Do you prefer paperbacks, hardbacks, ebooks or audiobooks?

Lately, I prefer audiobooks because I don’t have time for much else, but if I had a choice I would choose hardcover/hardbacks.

Who would be your dream book boy/girlfriend?


I honestly don’t know. I’m not really involved with shipping. I guess Lazlo from Strange the Dreamer because he seems nice? I think we’d get along well, and some of these perfect looking fictional boys make me nauseous thinking of their perfection. In some ways, Lazlo seems more realistic.

My Questions

  1. What is your favorite book genre?
  2. What’s the first book you remember reading?
  3. Why did you start your blog?
  4. What book did you expect to hate but end up loving anyway?
  5. What are you reading right now?
  6. Go to your bookshelf or Goodreads. Choose the first book you see. What’s the book’s title?
  7. Would you rather never read again or never write again?
  8. Open the first book you see and flip to a random page. What’s your favorite line on that page?
  9. What’s the first book blog you remember visiting?
  10. If you were going to give a free copy of one book to every person on the planet, what book would you choose?
  11. What is your favorite part about blogging?

My Nominations

Violet Daniels @a color of her own
Chelsea R. H. @an ordinary pen

The Story Sponge 

victoriaelizabethellis @Carton-Manette-Darnay
Madeline Rose @The Book Pusher

Some of you are probably wondering why there are only eight names on this list when the instructions say to nominate eleven people.

The blue jay must have eaten all the letters in those names. *shrugs* That’s the trouble with naming a blog after a bird.

Just kidding, I can’t decide who else to pick. If you’re a blogger and would like to become one of the missing names, let me know in the comments. I’ll consider adding your blog to the list.

Bluejay Feather
Were any of my answers a surprise? What would be your answers to the questions I was asked? Anything we have in common? 


Share your thoughts in the comments below!

10 thoughts on “Second Liebster Award || I Fail at Shipping

    1. That’s okay, it’s my fault for not going through and notifying everyone. I thought it would pingback everyone’s about pages since I linked to them, but maybe it didn’t?

      At least now I know to write everyone a comment on their blogs next time so they will know.

      Okay, great!


Thoughts? Suggestions? Comment below!